
Office for mac 한글

onesixx 2012. 11. 18. 15:12


WINDOW에 포함된 ‘맑은 고딕’은
맥에서 ‘MALGUN GOTHIC’으로만 인식됩니다.

맑은고딕 서체 이름이 ‘Malgun Gothic’으로만 나온다.
한글 이름인 ‘맑은 고딕’으로는 인식을 하지 못하고 있다.
‘Malgun Gothic’을 고르면 ‘맑은고딕’을 사용할 순 있지만
윈도우에서 작성된 파일은 ‘맑은고딕’이름으로 서체를 참조하므로 또 다시 호환성 문제가 발생했다.


Apple Font Tools를 활용하여 Name 테이블을 뽑아냄

	<nameTableEntry nameTypeID="0" nameTypeName="Copyright">
		<localizedName platformID="3" platformName="Microsoft" scriptID="1" scriptName="Unicode"  languageID="1033" isRawHex="NO">© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.</localizedName>
	<nameTableEntry nameTypeID="1" nameTypeName="Family">
		<localizedName platformID="1" platformName="Macintosh" scriptID="0" scriptName="Roman"  languageID="0" languageName="English" isRawHex="NO">Malgun Gothic</localizedName>		
		<localizedName platformID="3" platformName="Microsoft" scriptID="1" scriptName="Unicode"  languageID="1033" isRawHex="NO">Malgun Gothic</localizedName>
		<localizedName platformID="3" platformName="Microsoft" scriptID="1" scriptName="Unicode"  languageID="1042" isRawHex="NO">맑은 고딕</localizedName>
apple font tools 받아서 설치하시고 터미널에서 아래와 같은 커맨드를 이용

dump: ftxdumperfuser -t name TTF_FILE_NAME > XML_FILE_NAME
restore: ftxdumperfuser -t name -d XML_FILE_NAME TTF_FILE_NAME


onesixxui-MacBook-Pro:~ onesixx$ ftxdumperfuser 

ftxdumperfuser, build 248, Font Toolbox build 55

Usage:  ftxdumperfuser [-t table] [-acFgGhHklLmnNpuvVxX] [-A a|b|d|f|k] [-B size] [-C cmapSpecifier] [-s scale] [-P pixel-depth] [-f font] [-d datafile] [-o outputfile] fontfile


-a (--all) Dump all of the fonts within a file; overrides the -f option.  Warning:  The dumped results will probably *not* be valid XML

-A (--auto) Do an auto-dump all, auto-dump, auto-fuse, or auto-kill.

You select between four options using the parameter

following the -A; '-A a' means do an auto-dump-all, '-A b' means do an auto-build, '-A d' means do an auto-dump, '-A f' means do an auto-fuse, and '-A k' means do an auto-kill.

With these operations, the file name is automatically generated using the

full name of the font followed by the table.  Thus 'ftxdumperfuser -A d -t cmap Foo.ttf'

would create a file, Foo.cmap.xml, and put the results of the dump in that file.

An auto-dump-all dumps the contents of every table in the font (the -t option, if present, is ignored).

An auto-build builds initial, default contents for the specified table in the font.

An auto-dump dumps the contents of the specified table in the font.

An auto-fuse fuses the contents of the specified table in the font.

An auto-kill deletes the specified table from the font.

You can also simply use --auto-dump, --auto-dump-all, --auto-build, --auto-fuse, and --auto-kill

instead of -a or --auto with a paramter

-B (--auto-bitmap) Auto-generate a set of bitmaps of the given size for the font

-c (--compact) Use a compact format for data (e.g., with bitmaps or the 'glyf' table)

-C (--cmap-version) Only dump the specified cmap subtables

Subtables are specified by one to three decimal numbers separated by commas

The platform ID

The script (or platform-specific) ID

The language ID

-1 is used as a wild-card, matching any value

If either of the latter two are omitted, the wild-card value is used

-d (--datafile) The datafile to use for a fuse operation

-f (--font-name) The full or PostScript name of the font within the font file on which to act

-F (--fuse-from-stdin) Do a fuse operation using stdin as the data source

-g (--generic) Force the use of the generic table dumper/fuser instead of the table-specific one

-G (--glyphnames) Give glyph names precedence over glyph IDs in fuse operations

-h (--help) Output this message

-H (--strip-hints) Strip hints when fusing 'glyf' tables

-i (--make-names-visible) Change 'name' table entries starting with a period to something else

-k (--kill-table) Remove the table from the font

-K (--check-build-number) Check that the tool is at least the given version.  Thus `ftxdumperfuser-K 200` returns -1 if the build number is not 200 or higher

-l (--list) List the tables from the font; the -t option is required if and only if neither the -B option, the -l option, the -O option, nor any of the -A options is used

-L (--long-align-loca) Force the 'loca' table to be long-aligned (that is, use four-byte 'glyf' table offsets) when fusing in glyph data

-m (--mark-canonical-glyphs) When fusing 'Zapf' tables, mark canonical glyphs from 'cmap' data (updates 'Zapf' table version to 2.0)

-M (--cmap-format) Desired 'cmap' subtable format (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12); defaults to use the format specified in the 'cmap' source

You can also use -M s to generate the 'cmap' subtable format(s) that will generate the smallest tables

-n (--include-name-table-entries) Include name table entries in the dump

-N (--installed-font-names) Interpret the "fontfile" argument(s) as names of installed fonts

-o (--output) An optional output file for the results of a dump; stdout is used if this parameter is not specified

and -A d is not used

-O (--list-opentype) List OpenType and AAT features; the -t option is required if and only if neither the -B option, the -l option, the -O option, nor any of the -A options is used

-p (--postscript-name-dump) Include PostScript glyph names in the dump

-P (--pixel-depth) Use the given pixel depth (must be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32) when generating bitmaps; used with the -B option

-s (--bitmap-scale) Use the given scaling factor (must be 1, 2, or 4) when generating bitmaps; used with the -B option

-S (--replace-spaces) Replace spaces in auto-generated file names with underscores

-t (--table) (required if -A, -B, -l, and -O options are not used) The four character tag for the table to dump or fuse

Single quotes around the tag are optional,

except for tags with fewer than four non-space characters (e.g., 'cvt ')

-u (--include-character-names) Include Unicode character names in the dump

-v (--verbose) Verbose operation, additional data is output to stderr

-V (--version) Output the tool's version to stdout

-x (--full-vmtx) Force the 'vmtx' table (if any) to include an explicit advance for every glyph

-X (--experimental) Use experimental or partially implemented dumps for 'cvar', 'kern', 'just', 'mort', and 'morx' tables

NOTE:  The tool allows dumps from multiple font files to a single text

file, but it does *not* allow fuses from a single text file to

multiple font files.  The text input file for a fuse operation *must*

consist of the XML source for a single table.

onesixxui-MacBook-Pro:~ onesixx$ 


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